Italy and Pakistan:
a research of the sense of contemporaneity
11 july – 30 september, 2014 / ATRI
Stills of Peace and Everyday Life – Edition I
In the first edition of Stills of Peace, meeting the art of Gandhara, in the Swat Valley, and the unique identity traditions of endangered population as the Kalashas, aroused the interest in Pakistani culture. Both these Pakistani realities were studied for a long time by Italian archaeological and anthropological missions that are still in activity. These missions have been the starting point for a work and a dialogue with the Pakistani culture, which opened interesting paths of sense and meanings, that can make us see the uniqueness of those experiences, one in light of the other.
In the art world, many exhibitions claim to remember, tell, scream or repeat; Stills of Peace and Everyday Life claims to be an exhibition that, in the intensions of its creators and curators, thinks, and makes us think, through the unprecedented encounter between Italian artists and the visual and imaginary culture of contemporary Pakistan. Overcoming prejudices, distances and the diversity of cultures and life conditions can generate reflection both on the specificity and on the common needs of dignity, meaning, ethics and respect essential to the human condition.
Museo Capitolare (cripta della Cattedrale) – Atri
Mostra Italia – Pakistan
Curated by Antonio Zimarino, Franco Speroni, Lavinia Filippi and Raffaella Cascella
The complex contemporaneity of present-day Pakistan confronts Italian current events, through the Art of its younger generations. An event that opened new paths of sense and meanings to perceive the uniqueness of every experience.
The exhibition features the works of contemporary Italian and Pakistani artists, who, using the languages of photography, video art and installation, deal with relational, social and existential issues. A glimpse into the Pakistani research in arts, and an insight on aesthetics of Italian artists coming from the Central/Adriatic area.
Featured artists: Sajjad Ahmed; Farida Batool; Shalalae Jamil; Lali Khalid; Nadia Khawaja; Naiza Khan; Aroosa Naz Rana; Risham Syed; Emanuela Barbi; Massimo Camplone; Sergio Camplone; Mandra Stella Cerrone; Paolo Dell’Elce; Barbara Esposito; Attilio Gavini; Iacopo Pasqui; Giovanni Sacchetti.

Stills of Peace
Edition VIII
Italy and South Korea

Stills of Peace
Edition VII
Italy and Japan

Stills of Peace
Edition VI
Italy and Iran

Stills of Peace
Edition V
Italy and Morocco

Stills of Peace
Edition IV
Italy and China

Stills of Peace
Edition III
Italy and France

Stills of Peace
Edition II
Italy and Spain

Stills of Peace
Edition I
Italy and Pakistan