Italy and Mexico: Global Humanity
Jul 6 – Sept 8, 2024 / ATRI (TE) – PESCARA
Curated by Mariano Cipollini
An artist as concrete as he is visionary.
His entire work is a eulogy to creative madness based on the unknown and its mysteries. It is pushing beyond what knows no boundaries, if not those dictated by a cosmic vision of space capable of accommodating evolved existential passages. Between what is tangible and what is visible, he slowly weaves gravitational relationships within time texture that free him from the barrier of a physicality that would reduce his canonical behavioural expressions.
Daring projections of ‘deep spaces’. Orbits that increase and modify the liberating power from a gravity that his ‘Psychonaut’ can no longer conceive and from which he distances himself in search of an increasingly rarefied corporeity, extended in an indefinable space but, at the same time, perceptible through the senses.
He conceives works, whose circular, perennial rotations, in which ether, the fifth essence, is a matter distinct from the corruptible world, different from the four sublunar elements. The “Man” who, in his long journey, while preserving his millenary history intact, is an anticipator of futuristic frontiers of being in a cosmic becoming. The hologram that materialises him is like a North Star to conceive virginal spaces in a cosmos where time panders to physics, matter and the psychological references of the soul, without which he could not exist. His relativity, often punctuated by the uncertainties of the unknown, becomes a new axiom from which to draw possible substitute existential paths, built on pauses, a before and an after.
The fifth essence and its timing allow Bucciarelli, his ‘Psychonaut’ and parts of intelligences that have never been activated, to find evolved rotations coinciding with perfection, in an attempt to rejoin the primary parent essence, regardless of creeds. Metaphysical expansions that show us possible paths that can be taken by a humanity in search of itself.